Theory of Relativity

I would think that a particularly special new cocktail should be in order for the 100th anniversary of general relativity as well, wouldn't you?  I've taken a cue from the astrophysicist Katherine Freese, who describes the ingredients in her book “The Cosmic Cocktail: Three Parts Dark Matter.”  According to Dr. Freese, the cosmic cocktail is made with 3 parts dark matter and ½ part helium and hydrogen.  I’m taking a bit of mixological license here in assuming that actual dark matter doesn't taste very good.  It’s also impossible to measure precisely – terrible for true craft cocktails.  Therefore, representing the “dark matter” here will be a special bourbon infused with browned butter, some Madeira, and some apple cider.  Add to that the half part “helium and hydrogen” – represented here by Hibiscus liqueur – and you've got the space-time continuum calming “Theory of Relativity” cocktail.

Theory of Relativity cocktail - 3 parts dark matter plus a half part HeH 

The drink is delicious as is, but if you find yourself sitting patiently by the fireside, waiting for your long lost sibling to return from his interstellar pub crawl, you just might want to add some hot water to this cocktail in a big mug, and enjoy it as the “Toddy of Relativity”, which is arguably an even better version, if I do say so, relatively speaking.  The cocktail may appear to be longer or shorter, depending on how fast you may be moving.  It may also appear to be heavier.  If you place it behind a massive galaxy, you might be able to see two of it due to gravitational lensing.  It should taste the same, however, although we really don’t know much about dark matter, so I can’t be sure.  At any rate (of speed), here’s hoping we all experience some time dilation on this Thanksgiving weekend as we enjoy family, friends, food and fun.  Cheers!

The Brothers sharing a Hot Toddy of Relativity

The Theory of Relativity:

1 oz brown butter infused bourbon (or regular bourbon, of course)

1 oz madeira

1 oz apple cider

½ oz Hum liqeuer (the drink still tastes good without this …)

2 dashes of Angostura bitters

For the Toddy:

Add above to a mug and top with 3 oz hot water.  Stir in 3/4 oz maple or demerara syrup.


Monkey Gland


Right Hand, Left Hand