Dee Dixon
Dee Dixon crafts his clever creations from exotic hardwoods in his Idaho workshop. Each piece is infused with his distinct brand of intelligently elegant secret mechanism and sense of humor.
Dee Dixon did the puzzle world a favor when he decided to dedicate himself fully to designing and crafting his beautiful, delightful puzzles.
Dee Dixon's latest foray into the circular format, which began with the Bad Moon rising, and came full circle with the uplifting Uplift, has got some dizzying antics sure to give you Vertigo.
Enter a winter wonderland that is just in time for the holidays courtesy of Dee Dixon, master storyteller at DED Wood Crafts, who presents his most whimsical puzzle adventure yet in the form of a magically mysterious wardrobe.
Dee Dixon is on a roll. Or at least, his newest puzzle box is, if placed on end at the top of a slope.
For those of you following along with the robot wars saga (aka the “robopocalypse”), there has been a development.
The passage of time has been marked via the heavens since the first sentient looked skyward.
Hot off the heels of Dee Dixon’s recently acclaimed sequential discovery puzzle box world dominating angry robot comes another menacing mystery.
“The Zeroth Law: A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.” ― Isaac Asimov, I, Robot
It’s everyone’s favorite holiday again and it wouldn’t be Halloween without another episode of “Boxes and Boos”! This year I’ve got just the thing to send shivers down your spine. We are going on a séance to commune with the dead. It’s a journey that’s sure to raise your spirits
According to Arthur C. Clarke, the Monolith ought to be an evolutionary accelerator. I’ve always thought of it as more of a “portal”. But it turns out that there is another portal, and perhaps all of this messing around in space ships has been a colossal waste of time. Why take the space highway when you can just teleport from point A to B in an instant?
I think it’s a fairly universal truth (universal in the sense of applying to all of humanity, not to the actual universe, which would be rather preposterous to presume about, and here I go anyway) that we are all fascinated in one way or another by the idea of other life, “out there”.
The box alone is a work of art, but the puzzling aspect makes it particularly appealing. This is a 7-step sequential discovery puzzle box, with well-hidden secrets and a clever combination of items to find and use to open it.
For more information on Dee Dixon puzzles and purchasing visit:
Dee Dixon continues to challenge us with novel ideas in his puzzle boxes and adventures.