The Bitter Ford & Founders Green

A toast this week to my alma mater and the class of 1992 who are gathering back on campus for our twenty-fifth year reunion.  Haverford College is a special place set in the beatific landscape of the Philadelphia suburbs on a unique arboretum campus.  Founded in 1833 by Quakers who wished to provide education equaled by respect, tolerance, and attention to the whole human experience, Haverford is now a highly regarded non-sectarian co-ed liberal arts college. Amidst the four hundred plus species of trees and shrubs, students embrace academic and artistic achievements under the umbrella of the honor code, which was originally written by students, remains governed by students, and guides the lives of all in the pursuit of mutual respect and trust.  Decisions on campus are made by consensus, not majority, a process which has left an indelible mark on all who are fortunate enough to have participated in it. 

The Bitter Ford

For the booze I teamed up with former suite – mates Jason Goldstein and Michael Haley Goldman to create the unofficial class of 1992 reunion cocktails. The first is a variation on the Negroni, that incredible, classic cocktail of which I am so fond.  It’s just in time for Negroni Week, too (June 5-11).  We present the “Bitter Ford”, a toast to alums not coming to the reunion.  It’s bitter, of course, thanks to the Campari, but tempered by the Luxardo liqueur evoking the sweet memory of campus life and the illusion that the honor code existed in real life. 

Founder's Green

If you’re not feeling it, though, have something much more classic, and head back to 1833 where it all started, on the steps of Founder’s Hall (the only building that existed back then).  Stretch out on the grass and recall a time when you were still impressionable, had dreams, had undyed hair (or hair at all), and maybe hadn’t figured it all out just yet. Of course this drink has to be an Old Fashioned, with a little nuance to make it special.  From Michael: “Remember that feeling of warm sunshine on Founder’s green, when you were supposed to be in Organic Chem (insert most daunting class from your major here)? And then when you get to class (late) and feel like Professor Wintner has smashed your brain with the hammer in his left hand while wiping your memory of all useful information with the wire brush in his right hand? This drink gives you all those feeling in one glass.”  Sip the “Founder’s Green” while you recall those fond days and don’t despair – your kids can go to Haverford and relive it all for you.  Here’s to the class of ’92, may you all be happy, healthy and loved.  Cheers!

Cheers, Friends

The Bitter Ford:

1 oz Ford’s Gin

1 oz Campari

1 oz Maraschino liqueur

Stir together with ice and strain into a favorite glass (or plastic party cup). Garnish with bitter romantic failures of freshman year.

Founder’s Green

2 oz bourbon

½ oz Green Chartreuse

¼ oz maple syrup

Stir together with ice and strain into a favorite glass over unrelenting dreams of being unprepared for finals.


Thai Me Up, Thai Me Down


Old Fashioned