A spirited journey through the world of collectible artisan puzzles
Pairing craft cocktails with crafty puzzles
Requiem for a Dream
The unexpected death of Eric Fuller, the larger than life tour de force behind the puzzle crafting brand Cubic Dissection, has left the many friends and fans who knew him in a state of shock and bewilderment.
Bank Account
Located a few miles northeast of Hollywood and known as the “media capital of the world”, the Los Angeles adjacent city of Burbank, California, is occasionally confused with a puzzle.
Hidden Gem
When Eric Fuller decided to team up with Frederic Boucher and modify one of his devilishly fun designs, he knew he could create something even more outrageous, complex, challenging, unusual and fun.
A Day at the Circus
What has 114 individual parts, weighs almost 1.5 kg, pays homage to a petting zoo, the circus, an Angel, Harry Potter, and has been confused with a berry?
Horsing Around
One of the most famous stories from the Trojan War mythology is the crafty ruse devised by Odysseus, after ten exhausting years and the death of Achilles, to win the war, by hiding their soldiers inside a massive wooden horse.
Pretty Penny
There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity. - Douglas MacArthur
Coasting Along
Watching a coast as it slips by the ship is like thinking about an enigma. There it is before you, smiling, frowning, inviting, grand, mean, insipid, or savage, and always mute with an air of whispering, "Come and find out". ― Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Why the Long Face?
The famous monolithic statues of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) are instantly recognizable for their strikingly simple features that evoke mystery and mysticism.
Cheap Goods
“The North American word schlock”, according to Vocabulary.com, “comes from the Yiddish word shlak, … "junk," or from the German Schlacke, "dregs," "slag," or "refuse."” It’s crap.