Boxes and Booze

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Port Sangaree

Speaking of Dickens, and cocktails, I think we should pour ourselves something apropos of the Victorian era to imbibe as we settle in with this formidable tome.  Dickens famously described a few of the celebrated tipples of the day in his “American Notes for General Circulation” from an 1842 visit he took to Boston.  There, he marveled at the “Gin-sling, Cocktail, Sangaree, Mint Julep, Sherry-cobbler, Timber Doodle, and other rare drinks.”  The Sherry cobbler is a great example of the simple pleasures which were state of the art at that time – exotic sherry wine mixed with sugar imported from the tropics, citrus, and ice.  Don’t overlook the ice – that was exotic too, imported down from frozen lakes in the north.  This frosty and refreshing drink was so astounding that Dickens took it with him and added it to his next novel.  A famous ‘cocktail’ scene from “The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit” (1843) portrays an astonished Chuzzlewit drinking the glass dry in one go with a look of ecstasy on his face.  

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Port Wine Sangaree circa 1842

We’ve already featured the cobbler, and sadly, no one knows what was in a Timber Doodle (which would be the perfect cocktail for a wood worker, don’t you think?), so here’s a classic port wine Sangaree, a perfect accompaniment for the Victorian Book puzzle.  This one survived the test of time and we see it all the time nowadays, as Sangria.  Originally it was made with madeira, or port, and just like the cobbler, simply sweetened with sugar and diluted to frosty perfection with ice.  Some citrus could be added, and it was crowned with the ultimate touch of class for the day, grated nutmeg.   Let’s settle in then, friends, with a good book, and toast the tales they tell, let’s “taste of Bacchus’ blessings now and then”, and never want for friends, or a bottle to share with them.  Cheers!

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Time to settle in with a good book

Port Wine Sangaree:

4 oz port

1 teaspoon sugar

2 thin lemon wheels (optional)

Shake vigorously with ice and pour unstrained into a favorite glass.  Garnish with grated nutmeg over top.