Boxes and Booze

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The Finer Points of Bad Behavior

Launching off from last week’s post where we boarded Kasho’s rocket ship and blasted into space with the X-15 “rocktail”, we now find ourselves floating amidst the stars and planets of the cosmos.  Our story picks up where we left off last time, enjoying the surprisingly light and refreshing X-15 cocktail named in honor of that innovative, ground breaking rocket plane.  I didn’t mention the entire story about the X-15 cocktail until now.  As you might imagine with a hypersonic rocket plane, things didn’t go entirely without a hitch.  Overall, with 199 test flights, there was only one disaster, and the X-15 is still considered to be one of the most successful aeronautic research programs in American history.  However, in 1967, Major Michael Adams was killed when the rocket tore apart during a reentry spin.  Whether right or wrong, in response Popo Galsini (the creator of the X-15 cocktail) decided to change the drink’s name at that time to the “Saturn” cocktail, by which name it is better known today.  So hold onto your X-15 as it turns into a Saturn cocktail and the vehicle becomes the destination.  If we rocket at light speed from Earth to our planetary target, the trip will take about 90 seconds.

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Two Saturns in orbit ...   

Which brings us back to the Finer Points of Bad Behavior, a modern recreation of the classic Saturn cocktail with some fancy upgrades created by Gregg Jackson and Thor Messer from Merchant in Madison, Wisconsin.  Recall that the Saturn (aka X-15) is a combination of gin, orgeat (an almond syrup), passion fruit syrup, falernum (an almond, ginger and lime syrup) and lemon juice (see the last post for the recipe).  In the Finer Points, the gin is supercharged by using “navy strength” (higher proof) gin, and Jamaican rum and agricole rhum are added (why rhum and not rum? I’ll have to explain that some other time).   The passion fruit syrup becomes a honey-passionfruit puree, and the orgeat which is typically almond based becomes a homemade pistachio version.  

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The Finer Points of Bad Behavior ... how can you resist a drink with that name?

Why would anyone want to go to all that trouble? Well, the Finer Points is really, really good.  It truly compliments the drink that inspired it, while adding flavorful complexity and making it a uniquely delicious experience.  I learned how to make pistachio orgeat, too, so can now lend you my experiential wisdom, which is - this ingredient is hard to make!  There are plenty of craft options available for purchase so you don’t have to make your own “nut milk” syrup, but I didn’t listen.  I guess that just makes me a nut.  It was pretty tasty in the end, but milking nuts may be best left to the experts.  

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Not to put too Fine a Point on it ... but Bad Behavior is so good

Instead I’ll make a toast:

Come climb aboard this wooden rocket ship

And join me on this jaunt to outer space

I promise you a pleasant puzzling trip

Astride the fastest jet of human race

Let’s speed onward to objects far from sight

Our way is straight despite ol’ Saturn’s tilt

Yet ‘ere we reach the planet and alight

We’ll orbit round what Kawashima built

To those who travel far beyond the sky

Who fail to notice what is out of reach

While going faster, further, farther, high

Above the limit of impossible they breach

I raise my glass to those with minds evolved

To see life’s puzzles waiting to be solved.


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Good heavens ... these are celestial!

The Finer Points of Bad Behavior by Gregg Jackson and Thor Messer

1 oz. navy-strength gin
¾ oz. rhum agricole blanc
½ oz. Velvet Falernum
¼ oz. dark Jamaican rum
½ oz. pistachio orgeat
½ oz. fresh lime juice
¼ oz. fresh lemon juice
½ oz. honey–passion fruit syrup purée mix (2:1)
2 dashes of Bittercube Jamaica #1 Bitters (or substitute Angostura)
1 dash of Angostura bitters